…these cards offered critical support and a return and reclamation of my power.

All of the answers and truth are just there. Rooted in faith, no residue of fear, with gentleness and steadiness. Fully embodied truth.
– Elizabeth

Intuitive Energy Deck




Jessica is a healer, artist, astrologer and author of A Love Alchemist’s Notebook: Magical Secrets for Drawing Your True Love Into Your Life (Llewellyn 2010) Karmic Dates & Momentary Mates: The Astrology of the Fifth House (Moonkissd 2014), Venus Signs: Discover Your Erotic Strengths and Secret Desires Through Astrology (Llewellyn 2015) and Follow the Moonlit Path: Come Home to Yourself in the Astrological Fourth House (Moonkissd 2020), and Intuitive Energy Divination Deck: A 58 Card Deck for Connecting with Your Divine True Self (Butterflies & Coffee 2021).

Jessica teaches classes on connecting to one’s own inner Guidance, and will be hosting an in-person retreat about aligning with your Sacred Calling/Astrological Vesta in 2023. Jessica lives in Honolulu, HI with her husband, John, her dog, Magnus, and last but not least, a perfect little girl kitten named (baby) Bean.

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