Dear Moonkissd,
I have been struggling in trying to figure out what direction to take in regards to career. After racking up debts taking gen. ed. and other classes in hopes of coming to the “aha” moment, I’m afraid I haven’t come any closer to answering this question. What I have found is that: I find the thought of an uninspiring 9-5 job dreadful, but I crave financial stability. (Well, financial abundance would be preferable, but Rome wasn’t built in a day, eh?) The idea of racking up more debt returning to school does not thrill me as I have spent the last few years paying off debt and still have a way to go. Do you see anything in my chart as far as any talents or areas of luck I may have in finding my niche? I may not be financially ready to attend school yet but if there is anything in my chart giving clues as to what I should be good at doing that would bring prosperity I would be thrilled!
Broken Compass
Time: 1:39 PM (PDT); Date: 10/30/1971; Place: Mountain View, CA. (Chart below)
Dear Broken Compass,
I’m feeling prolific today, and in the mood to dispense bullet point advice. I think it was something about the freedom of writing this way, combined with your stimulating question. Oh, and two shots of espresso. So if I come off a little bossy, my apologies. I am, under the influence. And it’s my website.
1.) Forget about school – that’s only a distracting thought cluttering your mind. You already have what you need, and once you figure out where you’re headed, you can figure out if you need more training.
2.) Forget about financial stability. I know, I know. Your dad will tell you I’m crazy. But I’ll tell you that some of the worst career decisions ever (and mistakes) have been made with money as the prime motivator. And by listening to dads (sorry dads).
3.) Follow your heart and the money will follow. I’m not trying to be cute here. And I totally recognize that you may not think you know what your heart wants right now. But your Moon is in the 2nd house trine Mercury/Venus in Scorpio. Your heart (Moon) is in your money house, trine your other heart (Venus) in the career house. You’ll only enjoy doing something you L-O-V-E. And what you love will make you money.
4.) Write your own job description using verbs and adjectives, not real world professions. No one wants one of those anyhow, least of all you.
Let astrology help you. Your Saturn is on your 5th house quincunx your Scorpio Sun in the 9th. Try this job description on for size: flexible stability, responsible adventuring, creative discipline, safe opportunist, possibility of chucking it all – and coming back. Now turn it into a faux help wanted ad to the universe:
“Looking for flexible stability? Boy, do we have a position for you. It’s full of responsible adventuring. But you will need creative discipline. We want an opportunist who loves safety. And if you live for the thrill of chucking it all and coming back again, we’ll keep your seat warm and awaiting your return.”
Got the hang of it? Write it and send it to the cosmic boss.
5.) So. Even when you’ve got one you love, careers take continual stoking. And no major move, love your career or hate it, is ever reached overnight, which is why we’d best pay attention to what’s coming up right now. The process of individuation, doing whatever it is you’re doing now with more curiosity and presence, will help you arrive at your dream career, not the other way around. (Oprah, here’s what I know to be true: if more people followed and deepened the right now, they’d be more likely to wind up at “what’s next.”)
Now is the time to express your more lunar, feminine, soft side. Astrologically speaking, your Progressed Ascendant is joining your Moon in Pisces, as your Progressed Moon is in Leo, to join your Ceres/South Node conjunction in the 7th house. Nurture your creativity and artistry. Wear moonstones and ethereal flow-y Pisces dresses. Share your emotions. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Laugh, cry and feel joy. Cook yourself a good meal. Support your artist friends – show up at their show bearing cupcakes (a la Katie Holmes).
6.) Have you hugged an artist lately? Hung out at your boyfriend’s studio and volunteered to wash his brushes? You have natural gifts – your South Node in Leo conjunct Ceres in the 7th house. This is your talent to nurture and support other richy-rich, affluent, performer creative types. You can do this in a variety of ways say being a PR person or becoming anyone who represents talent. This is a gift. But more vital, plug into your North Node in Aquarius in the 1st – which is your cutting edge for growth, and a gift for the future. Embrace your free-spiritedness, don’t get so hung up on the opinions of others, do as you please! That’s the challenge of this nodal placement. I mean if you secretly enjoy wearing ritual goddess tiaras -or whatever – maybe you should start a website.
7.) About the a-ha moment: it may never happen. Give it up. I know I keep telling you to give it up. I think I’m channeling your Neptune in the 10th. See, you can chase the golden carrot forever, but I think chasing something “out there” is all an elaborate maze to keep you confused. Neptune is squaring your Mercury, so no wonder. I suggest that every time you notice one of these obsessive “crazymaking” thoughts, let it go. Come back to the present. Sit down and enjoy a cup of tea. Get lost in the cup. You’ll have better luck finding your next career that way. Which brings me to number 8.
8.) Go meditate. Sit on a mountain top. Study the art of reading tea leaves. You have Jupiter transiting your 12th house but will sextile all those lovely career planets in your 10th this year. Suggesting that your luckiest “breaks” will come from solitary and artistic 12th house activities like meditation, shutting your self in an art studio with finger paints, or a typewriter, or going for long walks in mountains. Speaking of typewriters, you need intellectual and creative stimulation in your work like a horse needs water. Have you thought about writing about your career misadventures, starting a blog etc?
9.) Good luck. Even those of us with so called professional direction have to renew our commitment to that every single day. No stage of the game is easy. So honor the searching. Enjoy it. And as best you can, relish not knowing.
10,) Finally. If you haven’t already had enough! And want a personal reading, email me.
choose something–as long as it’s legal.
later–something will choose you.
“Triggering the Grand Irrationality?”
Cowering in an obscure corner of the food pyramid
somewhere between the tofu and the unflavored yogurt
contemplating the juxtaposition of intangibles for all you are worth…..
Hello Jessica,
Thank you for your time and insights. : )
It makes more sense when you point out how a trine between moon and mercury/venus could create a desire to do something that I love. The part about Saturn and Sun seems to be an area that causes a lot of push-pull. I will need to look up “quincunx.” The job description part is a nice addition. I never quite got how to mix the meanings of planets together, esp. when they seem so different as to negate what the others meaning is. Now I’m off to do some catch up into some of the topics covered (progressions, transits, sextiles, quincunx, etc.) as it has been a long time since I have tried to understand the meanings of charts. I will email you to inquire about your readings soon. : )
Kind Regards,
Hello Poetryman69,
Does “Triggering the Grand Irrationality” have something to do with what is going on in my chart? Sorry, I am just learning.
Hi Aure & Poetryman – I had the same question about the grand irrationality…and the mash up in the tofu/yogurt aisle.
I am learning, too.
Aure, The Quincunx is a rascally wabbit. There’s something slippery about it, and it is indeed an area “that causes alot of push pull.” It’s almost as if the planets involved are telling you it’s an impossible integration, but a necesary one.
I’ve watched these by transit, too, and when a quincunx is transited or a quincunx is formed by transit, found they stir up “impossible” situations. But the good news is, by paying attention to what they both want – one often finds remarkable or original solutions to vexing issues.
Let us know what you find.
Read up on the meanings of the 5th and 9th houses and the descriptions of what the Sun and Saturn stand for. From what I can see this may be where I get hung up on trying things that I feel drawn to and then not doing so because some inner voice says its not the responsible choice.
This comes up when I want to explore something I feel drawn to but then decide I can’t afford it and need to use my money more responsibly (pay off debt instead of incur more.) Being aware that I need to take chances to find what I’m looking for by allowing myself to explore things I’m naturally drawn to vs. the heavy feeling of knowing I have debt to pay off and should do so instead of building more sounds like the emotional pickle this quincunx can set up. :p Gosh, when I think back on it I had these feelings even when I had no debt!
Also read up on the 10th house and Jupiter and it seems Jupiter is connected to luck and fortune (seems like a pretty good planet to have in my 10th house of career : ) ) as well as travel and higher learning. With any luck travel and learning other languages can be a part of the mix too.
Is this how it works?: The quincunx is the area that helps figure out what it is I need to do and the 10th is what I want to be doing?
Kind Regards,
I forgot to add…
I read ( at that Jupiter is the ruler of both Sagittarius and Pisces (I thought Neptune was the ruler of Pisces?) If that is so then would what you had said about the moon trines also include some sort of connection between my Jupiter in Sagittarius and my Moon in Pisces?
Yes, the quincunx is where the wheel meets the ground so to speak, where you get traction in accessing the house energies. Or where you’re vexed.
Jupiter traditionally rules both Sag and Pisces, but since modern astrology, and the discovery of Neptune, Neptune’s been given Pisces. I use both.
Your Moon trines your Mercury and Venus in Scorpio by sign. It’s out of sign (and too far to be called a trine) to Jupiter/Neptune. But these planets both relate to career. And yes, Jupiter in the 10th, close to Neptune, indicates there’s possibly fortune through imaginative, creative realms…and a fair amount of searching.