Husbands and Kitchens: Part 1

by | Apr 9, 2008 | Love and Relationships | 5 comments

The New Moon in Aries fell on my natal Moon in Aries to the exact degree. It was on the house cusp of husbands (did you even know that existed?). I hesitated blogging about this New Moon beforehand because I felt very much in the dark as to how this would play out, as New Moons have been known to do. And wow, of all the things I’d love to tell you I’m obligated to protect the innocent (or the guilty). So… thinking about what to write, and filtering through all the Aries New Moon news stories this weekend like “After War, Love Can Be a Battlefield” and various stress related emergency stories, including one apropos story about bloggers who are dying, yes dying, from the competition to stay current (astrologers be forewarned) I kept coming back to one conversation I had last week. It was a simple conversation. And so gosh darn tired of taking everything soooo seriously – an Aries seasonal hazard- this one made me smile. It was about husbands and kitchens.

I had my girlfriend F, and her just moved-in S.O. over for dinner last weekend. My husband cooked chocolate chili. Being Libran characters, they were polite enough to wait until we were sitting down to dinner to tell us her better half didn’t like chocolate – truly a male mystery. Aside from the chocolate fiasco, conversation as usual dominated dinner. When F and I spoke later that week, I asked how recent co-habitation adventures have been going for the two Moons (he and she). She mentioned couplehood thinking was ruffling her Aquarian Moon. I also asked how her S.O. enjoyed dinner she said, “Great. Did you notice how he didn’t stop talking the whole time?” Ah, a Gemini Moon. Oh, but didn’t she notice how my husband, a Gemini Moon with Leo Sun, had his own dog and pony show going, too? We were party to a non-stop gabfest. We laughed. Who said men aren’t good communicators?

But even more fascinating than men at the dinner table, we discovered, are men: in the kitchen. See, we women do our Moon functions, cooking, cleaning, general nesting, and responding to the little but everyday emotional and physical needs of our bodies and souls, naturally – I think we’re acculturated that way. Even F, with an Aquarian Moon, with a nurturing style known more for independent thinking than cooking, knows how to whip up a good meal, albeit with quirky alternative flair (F made to die for chocolate mousse, made creamy from avocados!) And Aries Moon posessed woman like myself, can weild a kitchen utensil with the best of them – and whip up a hot meal quickly, in no time at all. Which comes in handy, say, when you’re living with a Gemini Moon.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, my man can cook. On this point we both agreed – Gemini Moon men are truly jack of all trades, their versatility and skill magically creates beautiful and sometimes inventive meals – like chocolate chili. The challenge here is focus. They’ve got to stop talking long enough to put their beautiful hands to work. If the choice is hands or mouth, and there’s a pair of ears to hear, they’ll talk, talk, talk. It puts a whole new spin on the phrase “eat your words.” Because after an hour of laughter, interesting conversational tidbits, and four food projects going on in yes, four different parts of the kitchen – I’ve tried. And discovered, words can’t fill a hungry belly.

That’s where my Moon kicks in, calling orders like a drill sargent. Commanding: focus. focus. And rounds up a nutritious meal. As we laughed, we both agreed that with a Gemini Moon in the kitchen, our executive chef abilities, our ability to micro and macro manage a kitchen is essential. Then it struck me, maybe women can’t get away with letting their Moon run away with the spoon, or the topic du jour as it may be…I mean, most women I know can’t get away with eating pasta and pizza and calling the whole nutritious food thing off. Most of us are on crazy diets, or self-respecting ones not based on convenience but the observation that slowing down, to eat whole foods, is better for everyone. Meals, in short, that require a large amount of food preparation. So here’s my Carrie Bradshaw moment which I’ll now share with you: husbands and kitchens, is it an uneasy compromise?

Come back for Husbands & Kitchens: Part 2.


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  1. kishner

    I’m pretty much the exclusive cook in my household, and with an Aquarius Moon, I like to cook alone. (I need my SPACE!) Maybe it’s that our kitchen is too small, but when people start butting in, I get irritated. I don’t want help. Just set the table, and I’m happy.

  2. Paul Bogle

    Fun reading, Jessica! The Gemini Moon part of me loves the talk-time while fixing food, and yet some practical part of me knows that at some point I also have to “…focus. focus.” So that may mean clearing out the kitchen of “helpers” and friends and getting on with the production. Please now, be a dear and post the recipe for chocolate chili. I am a little wary of chocolate mousse made creamy with avocados, but howzabout getting that recipe from ” F. ” and posting that one also? My beloved (with a Pisces Moon) might want to make a go of that one.

    I also like your question of the moment poll concerning which planet one is from lately.

  3. John

    Here it is Paul! It is fantastic! I adapted it from Ed’s Chicago Cocoa Chili (

    2 lbs tofu cut in small cubes
    1 medium yellow sweet onion, chopped or diced (vidalia, oso, etc.)
    1 Red bell pepper, chopped or diced (any color)
    2 stalks celery, chopped or diced
    1 carrot, chopped or diced
    2 jalapeno peppers, sliced or chopped (remove the seeds and membrane from one pepper)
    2 (28 ounce) cans crushed tomatoes
    1 (16 ounce) can tomato paste
    6 garlic cloves, smashed silly
    salt and pepper to taste
    1/3 cup orange juice (two valencia)
    1 juice of lime
    1 juice of lemon
    1-2 ounce dark chocolate (70% dark preferred)

    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon black pepper
    1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
    1 teaspoon cumin
    1 teaspoon thyme
    1 teaspoon basil
    2 teaspoons oregano
    1 teaspoon Hungarian paprika
    2 teaspoons Mexican chili powder
    2 teaspoons garlic powder
    1 teaspoon onion powder
    2 teaspoons dried parsley
    1 teaspoon dried cilantro
    1/2 cup cocoa powder

    1. Assemble the spice mix. Adjust to taste; you’re shooting for the perfect SWEET,SALTY,SPICY combo.
    3. Sauté the veggies lightly in oil in pan.
    4. In a deep pot, sauté the tofu in salt/pepper in oil.
    5. Add the tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, and all veggies.
    7. Keep stirring, keep a very slow boil or a simmer.
    8. Add Lemon juice, Lime juice, and Orange juice.
    9. Also add the dark chocolate pieces. Let the heat from the chili melt the chocolate and then.
    10. If it’s too hot or salty, add a little more orange juice.
    11. Serve with shredded sharp cheddar cheese and fritos corn chips or cornbread.

    I hope you like it!

  4. Paul Bogle

    Howdy! This is a test ‘cuz my last 2 tries to comment have met with no results. Bloggosphere hassles?

  5. Emily

    Haha!! I noticed you have a photo of Carrie posted here. Whenever I hear Gemini moon guy I think of the jazz guy that Carrie dated!! The one who owned the jazz club and had so much going on in his head at once he couldn’t slow down to just be with her. Too funny!

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