The Fantastic T-Square

by | Aug 5, 2013 | Uranus-Pluto Square | 5 comments

fantastic 1910There’s an aspect brewing this August, and in honour of a fortuitous dream my good girlfriend, Erin Reese, had on my behalf, I’m calling it the fantastic t-square. The fantastic dream had nothing to do with t-squares, not really, except that it was so full of wonder and marvel that I could happily spend the energy of my own two t-squares, and probably also my next few lifetimes, working toward that vision. Plus, I started writing this as a Facebook post, but realised I had much more to say than I could fit into a little box.

On with the blog. The good news, first: Jupiter is in Cancer, its exaltation. This month, Jupiter in Cancer brings possibility, expansion, potential to those impossible tight places we’ve been wrestling with in our lives (Jupiter opposes Pluto, exactly, on 8/7 and will square Uranus on 8/21). As a person with two cardinal t-squares, trust me when I say: t-squares are packed with energy and momentum. Here’s the formula: what needs to change or die (Pluto) + restlessness + new opportunities (Jupiter, Uranus) = sudden new paths. However, the path is perilous with t-squares, as they call on all of our abilities to patiently hold, focus and channel great tension. And while time and wisdom tames natal t-squares, they are not known for their patient contemplation. So there’s an element of volatility at play during the month, even if it’s all for greater freedom and good -which it is.

Which brings us to the difficult news: Jupiter always goes big or goes home, and as it forces longstanding Uranus-Pluto issues to a head, the results can be hard to handle. For instance, it’s great winning the lottery jackpot… unless you’ve got a gambling habit you need to address. An amazing job offer in another country could solve all your financial woes…but it brings up longstanding tension in your partnership. Your house is appraised during a refinance, you’re surprised to discover that you’re sitting on a goldmine, and you really need the money…but the time isn’t right, and you’ve a million reasons why you don’t want to move. If the energies sound risky and potentially rewarding, you’re right. For those this t-square affects, there’s risk and reward at play. Tricky. And exciting.

Are you being fantastically t-squared? To know the answer to this question, look to the houses in your birth chart in which Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter are currently transiting; look to the houses containing 9-12 degrees Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. If you have natal planets between 9-12 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, yes, you are being fantastically t-squared.

You can even get traction on this by simply exploring the houses in which this t-square is operating. For instance, Uranus is transiting my Sixth House, Pluto is transiting my Third House, and Jupiter my Ninth House. A prestigious opportunity to internationally travel this fall (Jupiter in the Ninth) is already causing me to pre-emptively take care of the health issues I’ve been having (Uranus in Sixth) which means taking time away from my day to day activities and work, which is mainly mental work requiring focused concentration (square Pluto in Third). Preparation for this opportunity has forced me to slow down my work to the speed of molasses, which I’d previously struggled against (Uranus-Pluto), but this has already resulted in great healing. I’m just riffing on my own life, but you get the idea. Try it for yourself. Just free associate the meaning of the planets with the houses.

The opportunities, the bids for freedom that present themselves this August, may be an outworking of what we’ve been working on inwardly with the Uranus-Pluto square. To those situations and relationships in our lives that must “evolve or die” (Pluto), areas of life we “need new solutions… because we cannot go on like this any longer” (Uranus), Jupiter offers vision, possibility. Hope.

This August, we may need to have hair trigger timing to seize the surprising opportunities when they/it arrives (Jupiter/Uranus). Whatever we do, we should entertain everything and throw out nothing during this month because potential is “in the air”.  So hold steady and center. Take your vitamins. The t-square ride is never easy, but a lucky break could be the break you’ve been waiting for.

Happy t-squaring to you!




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  1. Soda

    Yay! Finally someone is here positive about T -quares! Any time I spot one for someone else, lucky you! I say. What I have noticed, many plannets pass unnoticed, but the squares are always materialising.

    I have myself one natally, mars-MERCURY-moon, and, yes, I have constructed world based on ‘mental’ processes-reading, writing, learning. When I talk, often I play the scene, make the accompanying sounds ‘brruuum bruuu’ ‘yyyiiikk’ and move my body accordingly. In the end, everybody want to seat next to me at the dinner table.

    There is more to that, which is the current Pluto-Uranus square in exact conjunction to my natal Merc-Moon, which is not that funny-but I will go to you post on that topic Jessica, looking for some encouragement 😉

  2. Marie

    I hope you’re right… I’m in dire need of a ‘lucky break’! Too many things have been dragging on for too damn long, especially concerning my home/moving. I feel the need to relocate.

    Transiting Pluto in the 2nd, Uranus in the 4th (lot’s of house cleaning, creating better vibes, etc.), and Jupiter (conjunct transiting Mars) in the 8th.

    Enjoy Sweden! I hear it’s beautiful, especially the wilderness areas; Alps and so on.

  3. Rebecca Walker

    God, I hope so. It’s been a rough ride this year. Thanks for the glimmer…

  4. Mary Jane

    What about the north node, is this included in the t-square of things? Currently have Uranus transiting my north node at 10 deg in 5th house. So, my 2nd, 5th & 8th houses being affected by this T-square… sounds interesting!

    Great article by the way 🙂

  5. Jessica

    Hi Mary Jane, Thanks for reading. The transiting Scorpio North Node is not included in the t-square (a t-square always includes the same modality of signs: cardinal, fixed or mutable and this t-square is all cardinal signs) but is currently apart of the water sign trine. xox, Jessica

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