This Is Love

This Is Love

The newest love of my life is named Magnus. Magnus is a dog – a puppy, to be precise. This morning, far away from the cuddles and licks I’m greeted with every morning in my own bed, I am missing Magnus and our morning ritual. 1. Magnus, patiently waiting for me...
Songs For Venus Signs

Songs For Venus Signs

As a writer, I’ve always been inspired by song lyrics. The writing many of us enjoy reading often has a special lyricism to it, and I aim for a similar sort of harmony and symmetry in my own work. If a piece feels off-balance, or it can be made more lovely...
Leo Full Moon: Shine On

Leo Full Moon: Shine On

Who in the hell d’you think you are? A super star? Well, right you are. – John Lennon This weekend, I took a walk down the block to visit a new friend. She served me tea, peppered me with questions about myself and soon enough out my reindition of...
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