I’ve learned to forgive myself
For the ways I haven’t showed up for me
For the times I’ve overlooked and ignored the nagging feeling, the nausea, the disappointment
For all of the times that I didn’t make the time to feel – to process, to become more aware of, to honor my feelings
For all of the times I misinterpreted what I was really feeling
I’ve learned to forgive myself
For all of the stories I’ve ever told myself, wholly believed, and then suffered
For jumping to conclusions, not slowing down to question my perceptions
For overlaying my mind’s story of the moment onto the energy of the moment
For the thought: there is no other way than this… then slowly walking toward misery
I’ve learned to forgive myself
For the limits I’ve placed on my possibilities (because I once thought I had so few)
For the belief: I must be doing something wrong (otherwise, I wouldn’t feel this badly), and the energy that belief set into motion
For creating an identity out of pain, turning it into “MY suffering”
For all of the times I made myself sit through discomfort, stay, instead of just. standing. up; instead of walking away
I’ve learned to forgive myself
For being so hard on myself, so exacting, self-critical
For having high and unreasonable expectations, along with the accompanying certainty I would fail
For the relentless, miserable, insecurity; so much self-questioning, so much self-doubt
For this is what I learned from the energies I was exposed to, ancestral energy I was born into
I’ve learned to forgive myself
Let myself off the hook, to not be perfect
When I feel intense discomfort from making a choice that is not quite right for me
When I am dismissive of the still small voice of wisdom, and do the other thing anyway
When I misinterpret what I feel, and run with a false perception of reality
I am no longer harsh, or unkind
I feel the consequences of my misstep, but I no longer suffer from it
…No longer believing in mistakes, in right or wrong, spiritual lessons, karma, or comeuppance of any form…
I can find light within the shadows
I can find the dance within the sad song
I can bring myself back home, back to Truth
I’ve learned to forgive myself –quickly
Then, do it again
To patiently take a few moments to feel what is real for me right now
To say, “I’m sorry. I understand. You are learning, living, in a world of constant change and distraction. You have a good heart.”
Or whatever I need to hear
This makes all the difference – and the quicker, the better
Gone are the hours, days, weeks of prolonged agony; I no longer suffer myself
This is how I now move through the world unencumbered
– words inspired by the Self Forgiveness card in the Intuitive Energy Divination Deck. (click here to pre-order).
Hi Jessica, Thankyou soooo much for sharing your wonderful, heart writing.
A most beautiful day to You and All.. Your Books grace my Library here, and I enjoy them.
Love and Best Wishes Always
This was beautiful.
Thank you Jessica I needed to read this today
You are a true blessing.
Thank you for being.
Thank you for sharing.
Bless you, Shirley. xx Jessica
Good to hear from you, Margo! Thank you, and you are welcome. xx Jessica