My 3 Perfect Days in Oahu, Hawaii

My 3 Perfect Days in Oahu, Hawaii

Aloha! After living here for six years, this is *my* current 3 Perfect Days in Oahu. You may have your own! Feel free to leave a comment to add your favorite thing in Oahu. I’m always looking for new places and activities to fall in love with. Note: all bolded...
I’ve Been Ghosted

I’ve Been Ghosted

I’ve been ghosted, and I am finally ready to write about it. Long before this term became popular, or I knew what it meant…I was hurt in this way. We were best friends. Close. We had been in one another’s pockets. Then, one day, nothing. And nothing, for weeks, and...
WOMB Time: Winter Solstice

WOMB Time: Winter Solstice

I’ve been working on sidling up to this time of year. I tend to feel the energetic contrast between the strong pull inward, and the additional hustle and bustle that gets added to my plate. This can cause me to feel I’m in a tug of war. On one side: The pull to go...
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