by Jessica | Jun 22, 2013 | Capricorn, Illuminated Lunations
During Cancer season I always feel a strong need to break away from routines, to go somewhere, experience something different. I need to turn over a new leaf or rock –preferably one found far away, on foreign land. Cancer falls in my Ninth House of Expansion, but the...
by Jessica | Jan 9, 2013 | Capricorn, Illuminated Lunations
Dolly Parton, a Capricorn, once said: “The magic is inside of you. There ain’t no crystal ball.” Well, to tempt Fate, the Capricorn Gods, and Dolly, I had a psychic reading yesterday. The psychic told me she’d never seen an aura like mine, it was larger than normal...
by Jessica | Jul 3, 2012 | Capricorn, Illuminated Lunations
The arrival of summer brings family vacations. We took ours this past weekend when we attended my husband’s family reunion in the Texas town of Weatherford. All Southern accents and hospitality, cowboy boots and freeways, barbecue & TexMex, the 105 degree humid...
by Jessica | Dec 23, 2011 | Capricorn, Illuminated Lunations
There’s an adage for picking out the perfect Christmas gift that says, If you don’t know what they want, give something that you yourself would like. This rule of thumb isn’t foolproof (there’s truly no accounting for taste, nor well-meaning relatives), but in a...
by Jessica | Feb 10, 2011 | Capricorn, Venus the Love Goddess
“I want a fingerprint of my own and I want credibility, and that’s all I want. I just want some substance to my existence.” – Lisa Marie Presley (Venus in Capricorn) “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” – Dolly Parton...
by Jessica | Jun 24, 2010 | Capricorn, Illuminated Lunations
The southern and northernmost latitudes of the sky, Cancer-Capricorn contains our innermost soul seed (Cancer) as well as our need to be recognized in the world, for being our self (Capricorn). Cancer at the roots of the tree, and Capricorn the flowering leaves, these...