Aquarius New Moon: Picture It

Aquarius New Moon: Picture It

Picture It… You are on a veranda overlooking the sea. White billowy curtains blow in the sea breeze, framing a gorgeous seascape. In front of you, palms sway on a white sand beach as you drink in the glimmering emerald-turquoise water with your eyes. Walking over to a...
Cancer Moon Meditation

Cancer Moon Meditation

“Come home” calls a distant voice from deep inside. Perhaps you’ve been feeling more emotional lately, or your attention has been too focused outside your self. Don’t worry, this will be easy. Just set the intention: to withdraw from the external world, to...
Make A Wish

Make A Wish

Have you noticed the celestial good vibes circulating – feelings of celebration, goodwill, affection and love?  Look up! As Venus and Jupiter visibly align in Leo this week (exact early Wednesday morning), we are under the influence of what the ancients called...
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