it is normal to feel afraid let me tell you a secret, a way to disarm your fear, a way to use your fear — instead of allowing it to use you, instead of turning that knife onto yourself: *tell me what has most scared you, and I will tell you what matters most to...
What Feels Safe?

What Feels Safe?

The structures of our lives have dramatically changed over the past few weeks. We are all redefining what it looks like to feel and be safe. Things we used to not think twice about, like saying hello with a hug, going to the grocery, a park, or standing close to...
Pandemic: A Crash Course in Neptune

Pandemic: A Crash Course in Neptune

Up until the very last day before traveling, it was moment by moment. I did not know whether I’d take the trip I’d planned on taking now for months. Yet I was not in fear or anxiety about this fact. Only wonder. As in, “I wonder how I feel about taking this journey...
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