If you don’t see the question you are looking for, email me!
1. What should I expect from an astrology reading with you?
2. Everything sounds great – I don’t know which reading to choose?!
4. What happens once I pay for a reading?
5. Do you do readings in person, over the phone or as a one-way recording?
6. Can we talk if I am in another country?
7. I submitted a question to “Ask a Free Question.” Will it be answered?
8. Do you have any personal references?
9. Do you do parties or corporate events?
10. What type of Astrology do you do?
11. What is your privacy policy?
12. I am having trouble logging in.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What should I expect from an astrology reading with you?
Here’s what I can do for you: After a session with me you will be better equipped and freer to step fully into the unique person you already are. I hold the intention to give you the clear information you need to make better choices in your life, by encouraging some of the more inspired possibilities & potentials for your journey, while gently warning you about the karmic pits -habits and tendencies that are hard to change, but with awareness, can. Using astrological timing, I offer advice on how to flow with the season of life you are in. Astrology is a tool for self-empowerment and personal discovery. May our session expand your perspective.
Here’s what I cannot do for you: make predictions. Many people believe that astrologers can predict the future or tell them the right decision to make. We are often eerily accurate, but we are not psychic.
2. How do I order a reading?
Go to the NEED A READING? tab on the menu of the homepage.
3. What happens once I pay for a reading?
Once I receive your payment, I’ll attempt to contact you by email within 48 hours to set up an appointment.
4. I am a first time client. Which reading should I choose?
This is always a tricky question for those new to astrology. If this helps, usually people who have entered a clear ‘phase’, are in a new life cycle that feels different/confusing/scary/chaotic, seek a transit reading first. People who have timeless questions about life direction and purpose, who they are and what they’re meant to be doing in the world, or why they are consistently experiencing a particular pattern in life and love, choose a natal reading.
That said, in my experience, the decision is best made intuitively. It may be more important to just jump in. I understand it’s hard to do when you have no experience with astrology. It is a leap of faith to trust that something has led you to me, but regardless of which reading you choose, know you will get exactly what you need. If you are a person who trusts the magical ways of the Universe, you are the kind of person who benefits from astrology.
5. Do you do readings in person or over the phone or as a one-way recording?
Yes, yes, and yes. What’s right for you? It varies. If you’re a new client, I’ve noticed that people sometimes get more from my one-way recordings. I believe this is because talking to the recorder allows me to deliver the information I’ve already prepared for you in a straightforward and timely way, while meeting in person or over the phone usually involves chit-chat and sometimes the client will have their own interpretation of events they want to share. Both eat into the 90 minutes I have to present the information to you.
However, I deeply appreciate the counseling modality, too. So I usually recommend your first reading as an MP3 and then if you’d like to continue the information in conversation, book another session. If you love astrology and want to learn with me, I recommend the series of counseling sessions.
6. Can we talk if I am in another country?
Yes. I have Skype for international clients.
7. I submitted a question to “Ask a Free Question.” Will it be answered?
I love hearing from you. I am currently not answering questions for Ask Moonkissd. However, you can submit a question for Ask Aphrodite over at http://mooncircles.com/ask-the-goddesses/.
8. Do you have any personal references?
Yes. Check out the testimonials link on the readings tab.
9. Do you do parties or corporate events?
Absolutely love them. I’ve done parties, baby showers, fashion style swaps, mayoral balls, cocktail parties. Check out my affiliate site: www.GalaxyGirlsEvents.com.
10. What type of Astrology do you do?
I belong to the school of possibility, imagination and creativity, Evolutionary Astrology, as described by my teacher Steven Forrest. Evolutionary astrology presumes that your soul karma and spiritual intention originate from previous lifetime(s) and that with conscious awareness we can slowly make progress with the difficult dimensions of our character and soul karma, and make better choices that are in line with who we truly are. The Evolutionary Astrologer will describe an unfolding path, a high destiny for you, while reminding you your own choices & consciousness ultimately shape your life. Here’s a great definition of the Evolutionary Astrology paradigm.
11. What is your privacy policy?
As of April 1, 2012 my privacy policy is as follows:
-If you are visiting this blog and submit private information such as your email address, your name and date/time/location of birth, I will do everything in my power to keep this information secure.
-I will not publish email addresses, nor will I sell them to anyone.
-In writing on this blog, names will always be anonymized and birth information kept confidential. If a natal chart is posted, all identifying information will be removed.
If you have any questions about the security of this website, please email me at moonkissd at moonkissd dot com.
12. I am having trouble logging in.
Sorry!! If your username is not being recognized, the login screen will say “Incorrect username”. Your username and password is case sensitive. Make sure you are entering them correctly. If it is not recognizing your password, use the “Lost your password?” option and a new one will be sent. Good luck because I love comments.