Intuitive Guidance


BLOODDIALMy fascination with the ancient art of astrology began at age 18, when I became very ill and the stars gave me a compass exactly when I needed one. Astrology placed my life in the grander scheme by reminding me of who I truly am. It did so in a personal and revelatory way, as though I’d found a missing lifelong friend (she happened to be me!). Astrology has since grown into an empowering tool for navigating periods of transformative change, enhancing self-awareness and self-mastery.

I’ve found astrology can fairly quickly, and often seemingly effortlessly, engage the inner guide on matters we hold near and dear. Yet it is not the guide/teacher. We never put your power for change, happiness or fulfillment outside of you, ie, onto the planets. Your ability to flow your life into a more satisfying, right-aligned direction rests entirely within your capacity to expand your awareness and perception.

My goal in working together is to help you strengthen your connection to your own intuitive guidance — but perhaps need a little extra light, a new tool or two, affirmation and assistance to acknowledge. Our inner teacher speaks to us through our intuition, dreams, desires, hopes and fears… The better we get at inner listening, the more we strengthen our connection to our own guide. 

You don’t need to know astrology to benefit from working together, only a desire to deeply learn about you. Though a well-honed skill, I tap on more than my astrology knowledge. During a session, I connect with my Guide/Spirit, which is paradoxically yours, too!  We ask questions. We listen to what surfaces. Using the language of symbolism and intuition, we focus on aligning you with your True Self.

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