Trolling for preliminary props and praise, A Love Alchemist”s Notebook manuscript ended up in the hands of a few astrologers I”d never met before -including one, Lynda Hill. As a direct result of this synchronicity (as well as seeing Lynda’s work featured on April E. Kent’s website), I’ve become re-acquainted with the Sabian Symbols – which are essentially visual images that describe each degree of the zodiac. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the background of how Sabian Symbols came to be, it’s an inspiring and fascinating story appropriate for this Pisces Full Moon.The images for all 360 degrees of the zodiac were mediumistically ”downloaded” one San Diego day in 1925 over the course of 8 hours (!) in a parked car at a busy intersection (the energetic congestion was likely a condition necessary for Elsie to receive vision). The astrologer was Marc Edmund Jones and the clairvoyant medium, Elsie Wheeler, a woman who had spent her entire life in a wheelchair and who possessed the ability to quickly and clearly ”receive images.” Marc held up 3×5 flash cards for Elsie with the sign & degree written, she relayed the image which was recorded. They did this in 90 degree intervals, taking breaks, then returning until all 360 degrees were recorded
The best kind of astrology is intuition solidly grounded in technique and those of us who are visual, clairvoyant, intuitive and mediumistic in the slightest (which is basically, every one of us!) know that an image can say so much. Lynda Hill”s deep connection to these symbols is obvious by her astute translations. So much so that she”s become today”s expert on this obscurely magical subject having written the book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny with the Sabian Symbols. So what does this all have to do with Mercury retrograde?
*Mercury Retrograde September 9-30, 2009*
As this particular astrologer has reached her saturation point for writing about Mercury retrograde I”m going to refer you to several very fine articles already written, including a new way of looking at Mercury retrograde -through the Sabian Symbols as explained by Lynda Hill. The hopeful and inspiring Sabian Symbol for Mercury at 6” Libra is ”A Man Watches His Ideals Taking a Concrete Form Before His Inner Vision”. I”m getting inspired just thinking about it!
Mercury Retrograde: Watching Your Visions Take Concrete Form
Ask Moonkissd: Curious About Mercury Retrograde
Survive & Thrive During Mercury Retrograde by Fern Feto Spring
Finally, Astrology Zone”s Mercury Madness