Lily was looking for a way to leave her life. Fate helped to intervene. Fate, and Lily’s unconscious mind.

Lily had consulted an Astrologer who told her she was having a Pluto transit. She learned the symbolism of the phoenix bird- the magical bird of transformation that exploded into flames and was reborn from it’s own ashes.

The Astrologer also told her that she was now ready to face all of her deepest betrayals and secret wounds. (Lily wasn’t so sure). This came with an ominous warning: if she did not, they may painfully recreate in the present day… Maybe it was the power of suggestion, or maybe it was the strong smokey Frankincense, but at that exact moment Lily spontaneously remembered a buried memory from long ago: in a mall parking lot, as a small child. It was a summer’s day and the family car overheated, exploding into flames. Later that day her dad left her. That was the day she promised she would never ever be beholden to a man. She wondered how it was all connected to right now. Then pushed the memory out of her mind.

Lily thought later, about what the woman had said, something about her un-lived passion and desires setting flame to anyone or anything untrue or false in her life. This made sense to Lily. It was time for change. Of this, she was sure.

On the day Venus disappeared behind the Sun becoming invisible to the human eye, Lily arranged a meeting at the Phoenix Cafe. Some say Lily and Dirk’s engagement wasn’t meant to be…those people affectionately called Lily, Lily Free As a Bird and that day at the cafe the air was thick with signs and omens. Lily’s body felt heavy with dread of what was to come. She didn’t know what, really (she had rented a get out of town car, just in case). She knew only that she wanted out… So Lily closed the door on the past, destroyed and with heart aching, left.

Pluto is relentless. Everything falls apart before it comes together.

Then Lily was a bird …a phoenix bird, exploding into flames…and she was free.


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