Virgo is undoubtedly one of the hardest working signs in the zodiac, and Virgo’s virtues –meticulousness, fastidiousness, and mental focus– she applies to keeping the inner workings of our lives, keeping body, home & business running smoothly, seamlessly. Because I’ve known so many Virgo folks (and those with mega-Virgo planets) who make it their job to assist others be their best, I often think of Virgo as the invisible helper– someone who tirelessly works on behalf of others, sometimes going unrecognized, often doing the grunt work that few others have the aptitude or desire to do – save Virgo.
Personally, as my progressed Virgo Moon tromps through my Twelfth House, I’ve been devoting much more time to “behind the scenes” projects and activities (which, for longtime fans, is why I’ve been cleaning up and re-posting blog posts) and even taken a break from astro-readings. My health has also taken a major focus in my life, a task which has been as awesomely empowering as it’s been challenging. I’ve made so many lifestyle changes; from quitting coffee, alcohol, gluten entirely to eliminating so many harmful chemical products in my cosmetics and daily life. I’ve started juicing – getting in my greens in; learning about amino acids’ role in brain chemistry and mood, and I’ve stopped dying my hair with toxic & life threatening hair dyes and instead started using henna (yes, you can have beautiful hair without taxing your health). I’ve explored vegetarianism, juice fasting, vitamin D megadose-ing, and much, much more. Later this month I’m hosting a girl’s weekend for 2 unsuspecting high school girlfriends – little do they know what they’re in for!
I know I’m not the only one re-visiting health- and work- issues. With Mars in Virgo, retrograde (1/23-4/13/12), we’re all working on some aspect of becoming more productive, healthy, fulfilled individuals. But this is not without a few hiccups. Sometimes we try things during retrograde that just don’t work for us – like my stab at vegetarianism. No matter how morally superior and angelic I felt walking by the meat counter, during the month I was a vegetarian, despite carefully packing in the protein, I suffered with headaches and dangerously low energy. Another person I know tried to become more efficient by reducing ongoing meetings to half the normal time. But there are still 24 hours in the day to fill– and now he has twice the amount of meetings he once had! As Mercury in Aries joins Mars retrograde (3/12-4/4/12), we’ll get a chance to see how well we’ve handled our Mars retrograde re-works. Symptoms of stress (fatigue, overwork, exhaustion, constant busy-ness) are a sign to slow down & re-evaluate our health habits & lifestyle practices.
Of course Virgo is more than the Diva of Details, she’s the flaming sexpot of the zodiac, and with Venus transiting Taurus, fellow Earth and Water signs will find this full moon very romantic. But that’s another blog post. For now, embrace any organizational urges to clean up your house, diet and lifestyle you feel during this Full Moon; ride the Virgo energy to perfect your life & may the winds of productivity be at your back, as they surely will be for many of us. Look to the house in which Virgo falls in your chart, for that’s where your humility, elbow grease, patience and meticulous attention to detail is required -AND- where the task to self-improve, to perfect yourself, can feel monumental, endless. As you’re cruising the waves of cosmic Virgo help, don’t forget to thank the ‘little things’ and people– your meticulous doctor, fastidious coach, helpful assistant, your efficient body -that pull it all together. And don’t forget to take your vitamins.
i really appreciated your blog about Virgo, as, although my sun is in Leo in the 11th house, it talents 72 degree esoteric aspect from Tibetan astrology, my moon exalted in taurus in the House of dreams trines my saturn in Virgo in the First house. I also have mercury at 0001 virgo and 7 virgo rising and ten virgo Venus, with only one other planet below the horizon,Neptune in Libra in the second house. therefor I am more of a virgo than a Leo…I am a 4 gemini midheaven and a pisces north node, and I am a math and engineer who does not know interpretation but I do my charts with latitude and longitude so the place in the chart mirrors the sky at birth. I also have t square with the Neptune and Jupiter in Aries opposition to my mars and uranus conjunct in Cancer. what a strange chart I have and I have five children who are all unique goddesses in their own right… i used Sabian symbols to interpret other spiritual blocks to health and love and light, and I am aware of many healing traditions, including wheat grass juice and Chinese herbs, love you andi bowe 7/27/1951, East LA CA USA