I’d like to share a video of me and my best friend, Claire (from 7th grade!), as we unbox the Intuitive Energy Divination Deck, do an energy practice, and draw some cards for her question.
I had been feeling beleaguered, listening to way too many external ideas from “out there,” about how to market the deck.
So, when Claire excitedly texted me to say her deck had arrived, I recognized I’d been wanting to have a shared experience around the deck, and suggested we Zoom and record an unboxing and card draw.
It was so much fun! It reminded me of the power of *only* doing what I enjoy. I want to have as much fun sharing my work as I do creating it. Which means, for me: not engaging in the Influencer mentality. There is nothing inherently wrong with social media; it works for some. But, for me, when I get on social media or try to follow the marketing formula, I feel so badly… I know it’s not in alignment.
Last week, I spoke to a Millennial who said she thinks her generation is hooked on being instant experts, influencers, and popularity, and she doesn’t think much of it has any substance. She sagely said, to paraphrase, there’s nothing wrong with taking your sweet time to integrate into who you are (she actually said this… which gives me such hope for future generations…YES!).
What blissful release, then, to let all that stuff go… and simply relax into what you enjoy.
The root of en-joy comes from Latin word gaudere meaning: to delight, take pleasure in, rejoice. Doesn’t this make EN-JOY sound just heavenly?
What if your JOY & your PLEASURE is all you ever need to focus on?
What if JOY is the highest vibration you can add to the planet right now?
If so, then:
What would it feel, and look, like: if you made YOUR JOY central — allowing it to be the template for everything that matters to you?
…Would the conflicts you agonize over suddenly become crystal clear?
…Would hard decisions be easier to make — like, in a snap?
…Would you finally allow yourself to relax into doing what you love?
…Would you finally let go of other people’s opinions, consensus reality, and would you stop making comparisons?
…Would you allow yourself to be more inward…feel free, blissful, Light and “on path”?
If you feel guilt around, or any objection, to this:
…Can you understand the principle of ONENESS: What is good for you is also good for all?
…Because you can’t do something that feels inauthentic, bad, out of alignment for you -and also- benefit others. Ever. No more martyrdom, self-sacrifice, care-taking other people’s feelings and experiences, catering to their wounds, etc. Nope. That will only bring ALL of us down.
(It just doesn’t work in that way. Mayyybeee that used to work, but in this new dimension of consciousness we are in, it does not.)
Friends, feeling good is my barometer for EVERYTHING. If I don’t feel good, I know: I’m either telling myself an untruth, or I’m in an energy that is dis-resonant, or out of alignment for me. I’ve come to recognize, feeling good is synonymous with: I’m in my Light.
Right now, there is nothing more important and vitalizing, for One and All, than to be in your LIGHT. This is how to add LIGHT to the planet.
And this always exponentially grows. The lighter I become, the more I am able to receive my Divine Self, my guidance, awareness, gifts.
I have a story within a story about this (which I relayed to Claire in the video). The day I went to the post office to mail the pre-order Intuitive Energy Decks to you, my first supporters, there was a new postmistress who I’d never seen before. Guess what her name was? JOY.
When I read her name, I just had to laugh. She affirmed the feelings I’d had about this work offering JOY to all who receive it.
Of course, my experience of mailing the decks to you, which I had been a bit nervous about (I’d never done a mass mailing like this, before, and to different countries), was A PLEASURE. So EASY. I experienced no lines or obstacles. I say this because I know this is how it all works: When you allow your joy to lead, life gets so much easier. Not only is it a pleasure for you, things just tend to work out in your favor.
Just for a day or two, try placing your pleasure and your JOY as the North Star of your compass; allow ONLY what feels good and right to you to guide your every decision. Then, watch what happens. Real Magic can occur when you finally allow JOY to be your guide.
Here’s to an enjoyable week for each and All!
Yes, yes, yes to all of this! Thank you for your perfectly timed message and congratulations on birthing this beautiful deck. This morning I woke up with a memory from first grade — a teacher humiliated my friend for drawing a person with a green head. To make matters worse, she got all of the kids in the class to join in. I have carried that shame for decades. I can still recall my friend’s expression — trying to laugh and put on a brave face, her eyes brimming with tears. 40 years later, I have only just realised how much I absorbed the message that it wasn’t safe to be different.