I’ve Been Ghosted

I’ve Been Ghosted

I’ve been ghosted, and I am finally ready to write about it. Long before this term became popular, or I knew what it meant…I was hurt in this way. We were best friends. Close. We had been in one another’s pockets. Then, one day, nothing. And nothing, for weeks, and...


you do have something to contribute it may not look like what anyone else’s does it may not resemble a collective value, what the world says it wants, and so rewards or one we recognize yet- because your value is visionary   it may… not fit into your daily...
Chiron, The Wounded Healer Archetype

Chiron, The Wounded Healer Archetype

Throughout my life, I’ve faced many moments where I exhausted my resources and appeared to reach a dead end, where nothing more can be done. I reach the limits of my awareness; I have a blind spot. My search for clarity yields a half-wisdom that doesn’t quite emerge,...
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