by Jessica | Jan 10, 2024 | Chiron, Life As a Healer, Love and Relationships
I’ve been ghosted, and I am finally ready to write about it. Long before this term became popular, or I knew what it meant…I was hurt in this way. We were best friends. Close. We had been in one another’s pockets. Then, one day, nothing. And nothing, for weeks, and...
by Jessica | Dec 17, 2023 | Life As a Healer, Writing
I don’t know if you have ever noticed this, but I certainly do: I think I’m having a very personal experience but then I find out another Healer is having an eerily similar variation of what I’m grokking. I’ll click on Instagram, or open up my inbox, to discover: Hey,...
by Jessica | Dec 10, 2023 | Fun, Intuition in Daily Life, Life As a Healer, Writing
When I sat down to write a blog to you (about Pluto- will do that, later this month), I realised there’s been so much to say about what I’ve been up to. So if you feel like reading one of those old-fashioned year end wrap up notes, the kind you get from...
by Jessica | Sep 12, 2023 | Health, Life As a Healer, Virgo
Let’s explore the sacred. Your body is sacred. Your time is sacred. Your space is sacred. What do we mean by sacred? Here are some definitions: Worthy of your respect. Entitled to reverence. Holy. Other synonyms for sacred: Expresses the totality of life, is the...
by Jessica | Aug 29, 2023 | Life As a Healer, Pisces, Writing
This past weekend I offered an Energy Clearing class, and one of the intuitive energy clearing practices was for Self-Forgiveness. I wasn’t sure I was going to do this practice– but it had been coming up for me, lately, so I went with it. It appeared to...
by Jessica | Jun 19, 2023 | Healing, Life As a Healer
Every morning in Hawaii I do my favorite part of the day: From the wooden rocking chair on the front porch, while sipping coffee, I watch the parrots eat. Sometimes this ritual is a blessed reprieve from sleepless nights; when the nights last too long for too long,...