I’ve noticed some resistance in myself around hopping on the New Year’s resolutions bandwagon this year. Maybe there’s a general malaise or disenchantment in the air as of late, as my mentor astrologer Paul Bogle and I wondered recently. The circulating Capricorn energy seems to describe what I’m seeing as people’s need for answers, not hocus pocus, magical thinking or inner exploration, but hard, cold hold in your hand answers. The collective energy seems to say, enough with the soul searching, we’re even tired of our own story. People are coming to me with questions like, “I just want to know what my year will be like, because 2007 was a b****.”
I’ve also noticed a trend, by people in the self-help community, who take a Dr. Phil approach toward people’s problems, saying things like: the difference between you and a choice is making it. Heck, I’ve noticed myself reminding me, practically, that if I really wanted to be doing my goal, I’d be doing it. And if I’m not doing it, I obviously don’t want to be, equally applicable to writing a book, quitting smoking or losing weight.
In a favorite SF column of mine, Finding Your Religion, Ian David Miller interviews Miguel Ruiz, author of the bestselling book The Four Agreements. The opening piece of interview is extremely Capricorn, apropos to the energy of New Year resolve. The contrast between the inner reflection of Cap’s opposite sign, Cancer, and taking clear and decisive no b.s. action in the world (Capricorn) is extremely interesting to me.
What do you think?
Lots of people make New Year’s resolutions. They tell themselves, “This year will be different.” But after a few weeks or so, they are back to their old habits.
Oh yes, and they say, “I will try to be in shape. I will try to lose weight. I will try to learn another language. I will try to play music.” What I tell them is, “Stop trying! Don’t try anymore! Do it!”
What’s the difference between doing and trying?
There’s a big difference! First of all, when you really do something, you don’t think about it, you don’t even pretend. You know if you want it or if you don’t want it, and you either do it or you don’t. Many times, people will say, “I will try.” But after saying that you can often be sure they will not do it. It is like I tell my apprentices, there were so many warriors who died trying. Don’t try! Do it! Take the action. Don’t try to be happy. Be happy! Don’t try to be in love. Be in love! Don’t try to enjoy life. Enjoy life!