New Book!: Follow the Moonlit Path

by | Jan 19, 2020 | On My Bookshelf, The Fourth House, The Houses

I have completed it, a book. A thing of beauty. I love the cover. I love the title. I love the color of the title. Loving devotion and care to detail went into every. single. aspect. of its creation.

My predominant feeling? “Thank You” Thank you. Thank you. 

To write, and be read.  To have an uncensored voice, as a woman!

I get to spend hours alone, creating. I get to write. One of my favorite things to do in the world. And, I get entire creative control! Virginia Woolf once created her own printing press. I don’t have to do that. I can create cover art, format a manuscript and distribute it to you with just my computer, from the privacy of my home office, in my jammies.

Honestly, the miracle of this privilege astounds me.

Of course, I have Ego thoughts. In a hot millisecond I can go from basking in the blissful ocean view to a full on belly-flop into that strange energy of publicity, platforms. Where one’s success in life is measured in followers, numbers. When I am in this energy, I am not in my center.

That’s when I know to take my own advice: To come home, again.

I lay down, close my eyes. I remember: Creative acts are like stars. Previously unknown stars are discovered all the time (fact: a “star nursery” – a place where stars are born- was just discovered this month!). They don’t have to be named or recognized to exist. They simply shine, beyond time/space, as brilliant light filled packages of energy, never to be replicated in exactly the same way again.

Ooh, I love this feeling, of co-creating. That’s why I write.

This is the art and the practice of coming back home to oneself. Recentering in Truth.

This feeling of recentering and coming home, I believe you will feel radiate from the book.

It was a different journey for me. This book led me down a path of inquiry where all I had to go on was scant moonlit, an (oft very) little thread of inspiration and “what if?…”. I often questioned whether the above was enough to build a book on. It was. All 176 pages of it.

It may not be a bestseller. (Unless a miracle happens) It likely won’t. But my subject is the fourth house, not the tenth.

The tenth house asks, What will you contribute to the world? What are your #LIFE GOALS?

(Oh my gosh, the pressure!)

The fourth house asks, What do you do like to do when no one is looking? What makes you feel centered and connected to your innermost Self (And, maybe, Where’s the ice cream?)?

In my experience, that’s what you really want to be doing, anyhow.

Yet we often get it backwards. Because we are raised in a culture of external focus, we expect great achievements from ourselves, without having nourished the invisible root network that sustains our life. Then, when we can’t self-actualize or feel stuck in our lives, we end up going to therapy, or on a healing journey—right back into the fourth house!

The feeling of pulling inward… slowing down… taking the time to discover your own natural rhythm… meandering down mysterious moonlit paths, for no other reason than you are curious to know what you might find there… That’s the fourth house. Oh, the rich discoveries you can make here. This is what gives rise to a Soul calling. Not the other way around.

This is the art and the practice of coming back home to oneself. 


Do you give yourself the time, solitude and the privacy to recenter, to come home to yourself?

Do you permit yourself to follow the moonlit path… of your whimsy, your intuition, magnificent imagination, your “crazy” ideas …just because?

Do you allow yourself to pursue ongoing interests and pastimes that serve no purpose other (like making money, or furthering ambitions) than to satisfy your curiosity?

(P.S.- And no one else can give you permission to VALUE doing this, but you.)

What if the True purpose of existence is nothing more than to follow your unique inspirations, as YOU? I love what Liz Gilbert has said, You might get nothing out of it at all except a beautiful, long life where all you did was follow your gorgeous curiosity. And that should be enough. 

Isn’t it?

This Sunday, we celebrate the two year anniversary of our move from California to Oahu, the place we now call home, which was truly a geographical and spiritual recentering for both of us. The Divine timing of this publication couldn’t be more impeccable and perfect!

Can I entice you with a new favorite book, a cozy flannel to wrap yourself in and, yes, some ice cream? Re-introduce you to the quiet kid inside, the one you may’ve understandably overlooked, or forgone, for those bright shiny lights of “what everyone else is doing?” Can I share a little of my journey? Can we explore your fourth house planets and signs, too?

Welcome Home.


Available as print book or e-book. Click here to purchase your copy!


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