Sexy Summer Solstice Spell

by | Jun 16, 2015 | Astrology & Magic Making, Solstice & Equinox | 0 comments


My delectable friend Sofia Facebook’d me this morning…Y’know the pomegranate ritual? It’s too effective. I’ve been celibate for 10 months; is there something or a ritual to do to reverse it? PLEASE say yes! I created The pomegranate ritual because using shimmery sexual chemistry as a qualifying factor for a partner, which while good at attracting a partner of the moment, never attracted a life partner for me.  Instead of compulsively following the sexual buzz, I wanted to take back my sexual power so it no longer overrode my intuition (it worked!). If you want to shift into a more self-possessed relationship to your sexual body, sensual magnetism and attractiveness, try it.

However, turning off your mojo is not the point of this spell. When you decide you want to stop running sexual energy through your body in the same old way it can take time and creativity to figure out your new relationship to this energy. One of the better ways to play with your kundalini energy, using it to magnetise and attract, is through imagination, art and spell work. Give your libido another outlet, I say!

That said, here’s a spell for sexy Sofia- which you can do whether you’re single or in a relationship, to light your fire again, to get that sexual shimmer going in your relationship. Water and fire have special significance for summer solstice (here in the Northern hemisphere), clearly a time of rejuvenation, abundance, relaxation and pleasure- ingredients for your sensual side to ripen and bloom.

  • When to do it: On Solstice. Or, if you have an astrological calendar, look for a harmonious aspect of water and fire interacting in your chart. Best dates: harmonious aspects to the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and/or Venus, and/or on a Friday. You know your chart; use your intuition!
  • You will need: A bowl of water, a lush flower symbolising your fertile ripe readiness (perhaps a lily, or another tropical flower), an aphrodisiacal scented essential oil of your choice like ylang-ylang, jasmine, neroli, rose or cinnamon, and an orange candle.
  • What to do: Sit next to a mirror (which amplifies the energy of this spell) and recite:

By Water, I am clear, open and receptive to a loving, spiritual partner.

I am the sweet flowing streams, the peaceful lakes, the wide open sea of love (take the flower out of the bowl and put behind your ear).

By Fire, I carry the eternal flame of passion which never goes out.

As I spark passion, joy and desire in the hearts of everyone I meet (anoint your third eye and pulse points with the oil), I stay connected to my intuition, my deeper wisdom and my soul’s truth.

Blessed by Water and Fire, I am open and ready for the one I most desire.

To complete the ritual, if you choose, follow with a Magical Bath: see my book, A Love Alchemist’s Notebook.


image source: Flaming June by Sir Frederick Leighton




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