WOMB Time: Winter Solstice

WOMB Time: Winter Solstice

I’ve been working on sidling up to this time of year. I tend to feel the energetic contrast between the strong pull inward, and the additional hustle and bustle that gets added to my plate. This can cause me to feel I’m in a tug of war. On one side: The pull to go...


Every year, from mid November thru January, it’s a good idea to pull inward. Why? At this time of year, energetic dis-resonance is higher. Holiday cheer contrasting with the real suffering of human life; materialism with financial restrictions; not to mention the many...
Winter Solstice: You Are the Light

Winter Solstice: You Are the Light

Winter solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere, arrives at the holiday season. As an energy sensitive, I am deeply attuned to shadows running amok, and I notice there is often more doubt, sadness and fear in the collective at this time of year, when the interplay between...
End of Year Clearing

End of Year Clearing

It’s here. The end. And what a year it’s been. There has been more death, and transitions of great magnitude than I can remember. My work as a healer has been taken to all kinds of different levels this year. On all, it’s been a demanding, rigorous year in terms...
The Significance of Winter Solstice

The Significance of Winter Solstice

Today Moonkissd.com features a guest post from astrologer Lindsay Conover. Enjoy! Monday, December 21st at 8:49pm PST the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn. In Astrology, the Winter Solstice is considered the time of the re-birth of the Sun (in the Northern...
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